Simple transaction creation with our new dialog

When creating new transactions and transfers, it was always necessary to start from an account page. Only in this way was it clear to which account the transaction or transfer belonged. Also, how to create expenses was not obvious at first sight. For this reason we have made some changes to solve these problems.
Selection of the transaction type
It is no longer necessary to enter a negative value for an expense. As you know it from many other tools and apps, the type of transaction can be selected via a simple button. Here you can select Income, Expense as well as Transfer.
Selection of the accounts concerned
In the case of transfers, only the current account could be selected as the outgoing account. In the case of normal income and expenses, it was generally not possible to select an account. We have changed that now.
Regardless of whether a transaction is created or edited, the relevant accounts can now always be updated. If a transaction was added to the wrong account, it does not have to be deleted and created again.
Creating multiple transactions
If you over time collect a few transactions before entering them into roublez, creating them could become very tedious. After each transaction you had to click again on New transaction to open the dialog again. We have also optimized this point a bit. In the lower left corner of the dialog you can find the checkbox "Create another transaction". With this selection you can make sure that the dialog does not close after creating a transaction, but only empties the filled fields again.
Create from the general transaction listing.
Since with the new dialog we no longer have account binding, transactions can be created from anywhere. We have also taken advantage of this so that it is finally possible to create transactions from the general transaction listing.
Creating transactions should now feel much more natural and save a lot of time. Of course, we're not resting on our laurels and continue to work on making the input process easy for you.