
The roublez API and all its components are based on the REST standard. All resources have the same names that you will find in our application, so you can easily find your way around our API.

Fetching requests will always return a JSON-encoded response with a standard HTTP response code and updating requests will expect the data posted in an x-www-form-urlencoded format.

API under construction!

As of right now the API is not versioned and the endpoints are subject to change. You should avoid using the API in a production environment or anywhere a schema change would be undesired.

Any endpoint of the API uses the same base URL. In future versions of the API the base URL may change and incorporate an api version. For the time being make sure you use the following URL:

Base URL


Our API uses so called Bearer tokens to authenticate an incoming request. You can have multiple such API keys for different purposes and they can be managed in your account settings.

Keep the generated API keys safe and do not share them publicly. We will not be able to recover lost keys as we do not store them.

Authenticate your requests using the Authorization header setting the Bearer token, for instance Authorization: Bearer za67db89ansmdb67s89....

Every request should be performed as an HTTPS request as simple HTTP requests will be automatically redirected to their HTTPS counterpart. This redirection can be avoided when requesting over a secure connection.

Example request
$ curl \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer za67db89ansmdb67s89...'

Response errors

roublez uses normal HTTP status codes for all responses. This means that you will receive a 2xx status code if everything went according to plan. Client errors – such as missing or malformed parameters – will be responded to with a 4xx status code. In case of an error on our side we will respond with a status code in the 5xx range.

Client errors in no way mean that something has gone wrong. For example, you will get a 404 Not Found error if you request a transaction that no longer exists because you deleted it.

A successful request with a status code in the 2xx range will always return the requested, updated or created data. For 4xx and 5xx status codes you will receive a response error with the following attributes:


type string

The error type categorizes different errors into an error group for better comprehension.

message string

The message attribute will contain a more human-readable description of the occurred error.

context object

Every error response can come with a helpful context. The context is an object that can contain any kind of key-value pairs to help understand the error.

context.errors validation errors

When the validation of the request fails, you will get this key inside the context object. You can find the detailed structure of the errors object below.

context.path string

Very often, however not always, you will find this attribute in the context containing the requested path. This way you can easily detect malformed request URLs.

docs string, url

If there is a specific documentation section or help article for the occurred error you will find the URL in this attribute.

Whenever request fails due to a validation error, the error response will contain a context.errors array. This is an array of objects, each representing an input which failed the validation:

Validation Error

field string

The name of the field.

messages array

The list of all error messages for the field. In most cases this list will contain only one item. However, in some cases the api may return multiple different errors.

messages.* string

A single error message

Example error response
    "type": "validation_failed",
    "message": "The validation of the request has failed. See context for more details on which fields did not pass the validation.",
    "context": {
        "errors": [
                "field": "limit",
                "messages": [
                    "The limit must be less than or equal to 100."
    "docs": ""

Rate limiting

roublez utilizes a very straightforward rate limiting method: Every user is allowed to make 60 requests per minute. When reaching this limit you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests error on succeeding requests. You can use the following response headers to inspect the current state of your rate limit:


X-RateLimit-Limit integer

The amount of allowed requests per minute.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer

The amount of remaining requests before reaching the limit.

Those headers will be in the response for every API request. When reaching the limit and receiving the rate limit error you will find two additional headers in the response:


Retry-After integer

The time in seconds to wait before retrying the request. After this amount of seconds the limit will be reset.

X-RateLimit-Reset timestamp

The unix epoch timestamp of when the limit will be reset.

Example response headers
X-RateLimit-Limit: 60
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0
Retry-After: 43
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1664117758

Expanding responses

Expanding responses is quite useful when you need more information about relationships of an object, but don't want to send multiple requests. If an attribute of a resource is marked as expandable, you can expand this attribute and load the information behind it.

You will have to add a query parameter called expand with the name of the attribute to expand. You can expand multiple attributes in a request when passing multiple attributes as an array to the expand query parameter.

Query parameters

expand string or array

This attribute must either be a string or an array of strings. Invalid values for the expand parameter will be ignored.

Expanding the bic-attribute
$ curl '' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer za67db89ansmdb67s89...'


Pagination is an essential part of requesting large amounts of objects. Whenever you request from an endpoint that returns multiple objects of a resource the response will be paginated. This means you receive only a "chunk" of the total amount. If you want the next chunk you will have to request the next page of objects. Don't worry, all metadata required for which URL to hit next is contained in the response. The responses always contain meta and links fields with information about the paginator's state.

Every request that returns a paginated response will accept the following query parameters to modify the results:

Query parameters

limit integer

This integer value specifies the size of a page. By default – when this parameter is omitted – the page size is set to 25. The limit parameter can have a value between 1 and 100. Larger page sizes are not allowed.

page integer

This integer value specifies the page that should be fetched. If this field is ommited the first page will be requested.

Every request that returns a paginated response will have the following structure:


data array

The list of objects of the requested type. When you want to list all accounts the data attribute will contain a list of Account objects.

links object

The links object contains all URLs required to navigate the pages.

links.first string, url

The URL to the first page of the collection.

links.last string, url

The URL to the last page of the collection.

links.prev string, url

The URL to the previous page of the collection. This attribute will be null if the requested page is already the first page. string, url

The URL to the next page of the collection. This attribute will be null if the requested page is already the last page.

meta object

The meta object contains information to the paginator's state and collection size.

meta.current_page integer

The requested page number.

meta.from integer

The total-iterated number of the first item of the page. This value can be null if an invalid page has been specified.

meta.last_page integer

The last page number.

meta.path integer

The base path of the collection.

meta.per_page integer

The amount of objects per page. integer

The total-iterated number of the last item of the page. This value can be null if an invalid page has been specified. integer

The total amount of objects in the collection.

$ curl '' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer za67db89ansmdb67s89...'
    "data": [
            "id": "txn_Bj9MoJRNn2gWsl10JQXCe4RS",
    "links": {
        "first": "https://api.roublez.test/transactions?page=1",
        "last": "https://api.roublez.test/transactions?page=3",
        "prev": "https://api.roublez.test/transactions?page=1",
        "next": "https://api.roublez.test/transactions?page=3",
    "meta": {
        "current_page": 2,
        "from": 26,
        "last_page": 3,
        "path": "https://api.roublez.test/transactions",
        "per_page": 25,
        "to": 49,
        "total": 52


The user resource represents the currently authenticated users – and that's you. Whenever you need information about your roublez account such as your name, email or the URL to your avatar image this resource got you covered.

The user object


id uid

Unique identifier of the user object.

name string

Name of the user.

email string

The email address of the user.

email_verified_at iso8601

The datetime string of when the email was verified.

avatar string, url

The URL to the profile image used. If the user has not uploaded a profile image a URL with a fallback placeholder image is being used.

two_factor_enabled boolean

When the user has an active two factor authentication protection enabled this attribute will be true

theme string, enum

The selected application theme. Possible values: automatic, light and dark.

locale string, enum

The selected application language. Possible values: en and de.

currency string, enum

The selected default currency. Possible values: eur and usd.

subscribed boolean

Is set to true if the user has an active subscription.

created_at iso8601

The datetime string of when the user was created.

updated_at iso8601

The datetime string of when the user was last updated.

The user object
    "id": "user_Y5XGOHUwznYlpPlEGCX4kw0n",
    "name": "Lena Davis",
    "email": "",
    "email_verified_at": "2022-09-11T17:08:29+00:00",
    "avatar": "",
    "two_factor_enabled": false,
    "theme": "dark",
    "locale": "en",
    "currency": "usa",
    "subscribed": true,
    "created_at": "2022-09-11T16:12:44+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2022-09-11T16:12:44+00:00"

Retrieve the user

Retrieves the user information of the authenticated user.

Request body

This request does not expect a request body.


Returns the authenticated User object. Since you are always authenticated when making a request this endpoint will always return the user information.

$ curl \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer za67db89ansmdb67s89...'
    "id": "user_Y5XGOHUwznYlpPlEGCX4kw0n",
    "name": "Lena Schulz",
    "email": "",
    "email_verified_at": "2022-09-11T17:08:29+00:00",
    "avatar": "",
    "two_factor_enabled": false,
    "theme": "dark",
    "locale": "de",
    "currency": "eur",
    "subscribed": true,
    "created_at": "2022-09-11T17:08:29+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2022-09-11T17:08:29+00:00"

Update the user

Updates the user information.

Request body

name string

The new name of the user.

theme enum

The application theme to use. Possible values: automatic, light and dark.

locale enum

The application language to use. Possible values: en and de.

currency enum

The default currency to use. Possible values: eur and usd.


Returns the updated User object.

$ curl -X PATCH \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer za67db89ansmdb67s89...' \
    -d name="My New Name" \
    -d locale=en \
    -d currency=usd
    "id": "user_Y5XGOHUwznYlpPlEGCX4kw0n",
    "name": "My New Name",
    "email": "",
    "email_verified_at": "2022-09-11T17:08:29+00:00",
    "avatar": "",
    "two_factor_enabled": false,
    "theme": "dark",
    "locale": "en",
    "currency": "usd",
    "subscribed": true,
    "created_at": "2022-09-11T17:08:29+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2022-09-11T17:08:29+00:00"


The account resource represents an account that was created inside of roublez–not your roublez account. If you want to retrieve information such as your name you should use the endpoint to retrieve the authenticated user.

The account object


id uid

Unique identifier of the account object.

name string

Name of the account.

bank object

Contains information about the bank the account belongs to.

bank.bic string

When set, you will find the bank identification code (BIC) of the account in this field. string

The name of the bank. This value can be null if the bank.bic value is not set, invalid or we simply don't know the institution.

currency string, enum

The account's currency. Possible values: eur and usd.

archived boolean

This field is true when the account has been archived.

created_at iso8601

The datetime string of when the account was created.

updated_at iso8601

The datetime string of when the account was last updated.

The account object
    "id": "acc_x4TMTkzaXo96kPX6KYueQykn",
    "name": "Salary account",
    "bank": {
        "bic": null,
        "name": null
    "currency": "eur",
    "archived": false,
    "created_at": "2022-09-14T18:13:01+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2022-09-14T18:13:01+00:00"

Retrieve an account

Retrieves the account details for a given account id.

Request body

This request does not expect a request body.


Returns an Account object for a valid account id. Returns a 404 Not Found error if the account id is invalid or the account has been deleted.

$ curl \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer za67db89ansmdb67s89...'
    "id": "acc_x4TMTkzaXo96kPX6KYueQykn",
    "name": "Salary account",
    "bank": {
        "bic": null,
        "name": null
    "currency": "eur",
    "archived": false,
    "created_at": "2022-09-14T18:13:01+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2022-09-14T18:13:01+00:00"

List all accounts paginated

Retrieves a collection of your accounts. The accounts are sorted ascending by the account's created_at attribute.

Request body

This request does not expect a request body.


Returns a paginated collection of the requested accounts.

$ curl \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer za67db89ansmdb67s89...'
    "data": [
            "id": "acc_x4TMTkzaXo96kPX6KYueQykn",
            "name": "Salary account",
            "bank": {
                "bic": null,
                "name": null
            "currency": "eur",
            "archived": false,
            "created_at": "2022-09-14T18:13:01+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2022-09-14T18:13:01+00:00"
        { ... },
        { ... },
    "links": { ... },
    "meta": { ... }


The transaction resource represents a transaction of an account.

The transaction object


id uid

Unique identifier of the transaction object.

name string

The display name of the transaction.

description string

The description of the budget.

amount integer

Contains the booked amount of the transaction. The number is an integer with a decimal precision of 2 digits, so the value 640 represents $6.40 if the default currency is set to usd.

booking_date date

The date string of when the transaction was booked. The date may be different from what the user entered when a custom timezone was used. The date is being stored in UTC.

booking_time time

The time string of when the transaction was booked. The time may be different from what the user entered when a custom timezone was used. The time is being stored in UTC and can be null if no time was given.

ignore_in_analytics boolean

Whether or not the transaction is being ignored in analytics.

category uid

The category the transaction is assigned to.

account uid or object

The account the transaction belongs to. This attribute can be expanded into an Account object.

transfer_account uid or object
nullable expandable

If the transaction is a transfer to another account this attribute will contain the UID of the target account – otherwise the attribute will be null. This attribute can be expanded into an Account object.

created_at iso8601

The datetime string of when the transaction was created.

updated_at iso8601

The datetime string of when the transaction was last updated.

The transaction object with expanded account
    "id": "txn_j7TZjVpdQotY1gQRbjxj3uq9",
    "name": "Starbucks",
    "description": "Sprinkled Caramel-Chocolate Cappuccino with Whipped Cream",
    "amount": 640,
    "booking_date": "2022-09-22",
    "booking_time": "18:07:13",
    "ignore_in_analytics": false,
    "category": "cat_oCV24GEZX3bDQZzKWLxKiOdt",
    "account": {
        "id": "acc_x4TMTkzaXo96kPX6KYueQykn",
        "name": "Salary account",
        "bank": {
            "bic": null,
            "name": null
        "currency": "eur",
        "archived": false,
        "created_at": "2022-09-14T18:13:01+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2022-09-14T18:13:01+00:00"
    "transfer_account": null,
    "created_at": "2022-09-17T19:44:02+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2022-09-17T19:44:02+00:00"

Retrieve a transaction

Retrieves the transaction details for a given transaction id.

Request body

This request does not expect a request body.


Returns a Transaction object for a valid transaction id. Returns a 404 Not Found error if the transaction id is invalid or the transaction has been deleted.

$ curl \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer za67db89ansmdb67s89...'
    "id": "txn_j7TZjVpdQotY1gQRbjxj3uq9",
    "name": "Starbucks",
    "description": "Sprinkled Caramel-Chocolate Cappuccino with Whipped Cream",
    "amount": 640,
    "booking_date": "2022-09-22",
    "booking_time": "18:07:13",
    "ignore_in_analytics": false,
    "category": "cat_oCV24GEZX3bDQZzKWLxKiOdt",
    "account": "acc_x4TMTkzaXo96kPX6KYueQykn",
    "transfer_account": null,
    "created_at": "2022-09-17T19:44:02+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2022-09-17T19:44:02+00:00"

List all transactions paginated

Retrieves a collection of your transactions. The transactions are sorted ascending by the transaction's created_at attribute.

Request body

This request does not expect a request body.


Returns a paginated collection of the requested transactions.

$ curl \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer za67db89ansmdb67s89...'
    "data": [
            "id": "txn_j7TZjVpdQotY1gQRbjxj3uq9",
            "name": "Starbucks",
            "description": "Sprinkled Caramel-Chocolate Cappuccino with Whipped Cream",
            "amount": 640,
            "booking_date": "2022-09-22",
            "booking_time": "18:07:13",
            "ignore_in_analytics": false,
            "category": "cat_oCV24GEZX3bDQZzKWLxKiOdt",
            "account": "acc_x4TMTkzaXo96kPX6KYueQykn",
            "transfer_account": null,
            "created_at": "2022-09-17T19:44:02+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2022-09-17T19:44:02+00:00"
        { ... },
        { ... },
    "links": { ... },
    "meta": { ... }


The budget resource represents a created budget.

The budget object


id uid

Unique identifier of the budget object.

name string

Name of the budget.

amount integer

Contains the budget limit. The number is an integer with a decimal precision of 2 digits, so the value 35000 represents $350 if the default currency is set to usd.

interval string, enum

The interval of the budget. Possible values: weekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, semiannually and annually.

interval_condition integer

The interval condition specifies at what point of time exactly the interval starts. For weekly it is the day of the week, for monthly and bimonthly the day of the month and for quarterly, semiannually and annually the starting month.

categories array

The IDs of the categories the budget is associated with.

created_at iso8601

The datetime string of when the budget was created.

updated_at iso8601

The datetime string of when the budget was last updated.

The budget object
    "id": "bgt_HhcVbWcqiJgitJTNbqQKA0pX",
    "name": "Groceries",
    "amount": 35000,
    "interval": "monthly",
    "interval_condition": 1,
    "categories": [
    "created_at": "2022-09-17T16:56:23+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2022-09-17T16:56:23+00:00"

Retrieve a budget

Retrieves the budget details for a given budget id.

Request body

This request does not expect a request body.


Returns a Budget object for a valid budget id. Returns a 404 Not Found error if the budget id is invalid or the budget has been deleted.

$ curl \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer za67db89ansmdb67s89...'
    "id": "bgt_HhcVbWcqiJgitJTNbqQKA0pX",
    "name": "Groceries",
    "amount": 35000,
    "interval": "monthly",
    "interval_condition": 1,
    "categories": [
    "created_at": "2022-09-17T16:56:23+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2022-09-17T16:56:23+00:00"

List all budgets paginated

Retrieves a collection of your budgets. The budgets are sorted ascending by the budgets's created_at attribute.

Request body

This request does not expect a request body.


Returns a paginated collection of the requested budgets.

$ curl \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer za67db89ansmdb67s89...'
    "data": [
            "id": "bgt_HhcVbWcqiJgitJTNbqQKA0pX",
            "name": "Groceries",
            "amount": 35000,
            "interval": "monthly",
            "interval_condition": 1,
            "categories": [
            "created_at": "2022-09-17T16:56:23+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2022-09-17T16:56:23+00:00"
        { ... },
        { ... },
    "links": { ... },
    "meta": { ... }


roublez allows you to add your bank's bank identifier code (BIC) to an account. With this information we can add bank names and logos to your account and this ensures that we can provide you a better experience when using the application.

We try to keep our dataset of banks as current as possible, however it may be that your bank is not on our radar yet. But no worries, once we register a new BIC we do not know we will get notified and it should not take long until your bank is also available.

The bank object


bic string

The bank identifier code (BIC) that uniquely identifies a bank.

name string

The name of the bank.

The bank object
    "bic": "DEUTDEBB122",
    "name": "Deutsche Bank"

Retrieve a bank

Retrieves the bank details for a given bank identifier code (BIC).

Request body

This request does not expect a request body.


Returns a Bank object for a valid and existing bank identifier code (BIC). Returns a 404 Not Found error if the BIC is invalid or the bank is not in our system yet.

$ curl \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer za67db89ansmdb67s89...'
    "bic": "DEUTDEBB122",
    "name": "Deutsche Bank"

© 2021–2025 roublez. All rights reserved.