
We are always working on improving roublez. If you want to know what features have been added or what bug fixes have been made, then you are in the right place.
August 23, 2024 d7002eb

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Selecting an existing tag no longer triggers the complete form to be sent.
  • An error may have occurred when using the global search, which resulted in the search not being carried out.
  • You can now also add descriptions to contracts.
  • You can now also upload a logo for a contract to make it easier to distinguish between them.
January 23, 2024 9bfe84e

An overview of your contracts now also on roublez

You can now also manage your contracts on roublez. A contract is anything that recurs regularly and has a fixed amount. This means, for example, that you can enter your rent, your cell phone subscription or your streaming subscription here.

We will be adding more features in the coming weeks and months to slowly but surely make progress with the contracts. These include the option to be reminded when a deadline is coming up and to see this information on your dashboard. In addition to a picture that you can upload, you will also be able to add documents so that you always have them to hand. Linking transactions to contracts will also help you to better categorize expenses.

We look forward to your feedback and are excited to see how you use the contracts.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • The loading time of the listings has been optimized.
  • A typo in the footer of the product pages has been fixed.
  • Deleting fixed assets from the listing pages reloaded the entire page and did not just remove the deleted element.
  • Tangible assets are now sorted in descending order according to the specified date and not according to the date of creation.
  • The number of searched or filtered results is now also displayed in the listing for each section.
  • An error that displayed a validation message for tags in certain situations has been fixed.
  • Tags may now consist of only one character.
December 18, 2023 5c1e3ab

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Fixed an error when turning the snowfall on and off.
  • The chart of the change in value of the tangible assets was not displayed correctly.
  • The images of the tangible assets are only loaded when they come into the visible area to increase the performance.
  • When duplicating tangible assets, the uploaded images are now copied as well.
December 14, 2023 4dc1e63

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Infrastructure adjustments for further features have been made.
  • Under certain circumstances, auto-completed texts were not saved correctly.
  • When navigating back in the browser, it could happen that charts were not loaded and a page reload was necessary.
November 28, 2023 2a5fc9c

Number of items per tangible asset

Previously, a separate entry had to be made for each tangible asset. However, if you acquire several units of a tangible asset at the same initial value, you can now enter the number of units. The total values are automatically added up and displayed accordingly.

Two entries are still required for two identical tangible assets with different values (e.g. one in good condition and one in poor condition).

Improvements & bug fixes

  • An error occurred when sending emails that in some situations the email was not sent.
November 26, 2023 197998a

Improvements & bug fixes

  • When logging in using the recovery code, an info mail is sent indicating that the code used has been replaced.
  • The auto-completion of the password manager 1Password has been removed for certain incorrectly detected fields.
  • The document parser for reading in bank statements has been removed as it is no longer used.
  • We now use a more performant bundler for the application.
  • When navigating through the pages of various lists, the list automatically jumps to the beginning of the page.
  • The validation message of the date when creating a tangible asset was not displayed correctly.
  • The tooltip for the summary of an entry in the housekeeping book erroneously displayed the text "Share of expenses" for the income.
  • It is now also possible to submit a form with the Return key from within a tag input.
  • The number of entries in a list are now saved as a setting per page.
  • A display error in the filters of the lists has been fixed.
  • In the list of tangible assets, the reference date is now used instead of the creation date.
October 7, 2023 acf199b

Improvements & bug fixes

  • The API has been modified to support versioning.
  • The format of error messages in API responses has been adjusted.
  • When logging in, the email input is no longer validated as a valid email address, as this is not necessary for logging in.
  • When logging in using a recovery code, a mail is sent informing the user that the used code has been replaced.
August 23, 2023 c25c649

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Fixed a display error that caused parts of the dialogs to be hidden by the global alerts.
  • In this change log, the English month name was always displayed, regardless of which language was selected.
  • The push notification section has been cleaned up a bit. In addition, you will now receive a test notification when you have successfully activated this notification channel.
  • Adjusted the dropdowns to automatically close again when a window is opened.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the input to not be recognized correctly when using autocomplete.
July 27, 2023 5a6e7af

A budget for everyone!

The budgets were previously available only to Plus members. From now on you can also have up to two budgets in the free version of roublez. 🥳

Improvements & bug fixes

  • We have changed our payment service provider. This allows each customer to manage their own subscription more easily.
  • Deleting one's account automatically and irrevocably cancels the subscription, if one exists.
  • Added missing text to the "New Updates" notification.
  • Some elements overlapped the global alerts of the application when scrolling.
  • The auto-completion for some fields has been optimized.
  • The placeholder text for the time in the transaction dialog no longer updates every time you make a change.
  • A display error when selecting between expense, income and transfer in the transaction dialog has been fixed.
  • The validation of the input is now only executed when the focus of the input field is blurred. This way you are not disturbed by jumping validations when entering values quickly.
  • The drop zone of the statement parser is now only visible when you drag a file into it.
July 27, 2023 bb40772

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Some typos were fixed and the wording was adjusted.
  • The framework was updated and the application logic optimized.
  • The navigation on the product pages has been adjusted to allow for more content.
  • New product pages have been added to go into more detail about specific features.
April 7, 2023 a3a996a

Bank connections for easy imports

Requested for a long time, now we have it. Importing directly from the bank account makes it easier than ever to add transactions. In the settings under Security you can now connect bank accounts and add those connections to the desired roublez account. With the Import button you can load the transactions automatically.

Create bank connection

Since each bank delivers the transactions in a different format and with different quality, it may be that the accuracy differs greatly from bank to bank. We are therefore very happy to receive feedback on the import and the quality of the transactions.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • Users with unverified email addresses will not receive email notifications. Therefore, users will see a global message alerting them to the unverified email.
  • When changing the email address, notifications confirming the action are now also displayed.
  • The requirements for a new password have been increased.
  • The navigation of the settings has been adjusted.
  • Bank information of Íslandsbanki (GLITISREXXX) has been added.
March 19, 2023 45b0b99

Improvements & bug fixes

  • The tooltip in the development chart now also shows the name of an existing bookmark.
  • The development/performance charts may not have been displayed correctly.
  • The author avatar of the blog articles has not been loaded correctly.
  • The changes in value of tangible assets can now be edited by simply clicking on the entry.
  • The logo for PayPal accounts have been added. For this purpose the BIC PPALUS66XXX must be used.
March 13, 2023 cd91905

Bookmarks in the development charts

If significant outflows or inflows of money have taken place in the past, it is sometimes difficult to remember the reason. In order to make it easier to follow the fluctuations in the development, you can now set markers. To do so, you only have to click on the position in the chart where the marker should be set. Markers can then be edited via the bookmark symbol to the left of the range selection.

In further updates, convenience functions will be added so that, among other things, you can edit the date of the marker. In addition, simply moving the mouse over the marker will display the name and description.

Jump to

Using the same handling - click in the development chart - one can also select the "Jump to" option. This action opens the list of transactions at the position of the selected day. This way you can quickly get to the transactions of a certain period.

March 7, 2023 499bbcd

Improvements & bug fixes

  • The autocomplete suggestions now also show the number of occurrences found.
  • The buttons in the panels that are displayed when the page has no content did not always navigate to the target page.
February 27, 2023 4dae3fd

Filter tangible assets

To make it easier to search through your tangible assets, filters for them have been added. In addition, you can now assign tags to assets. Together with the filters you can now group your assets and search them quickly.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • In the list of notifications, entries may have been assigned to the wrong month.
  • After activating push notifications, the status was not updated immediately.
  • Fixed a display bug that caused two scroll areas to exist on some mobile devices.
  • The visualization of blog articles has been slightly adjusted.
  • If an extra row is needed on the accounts or budgets page just for the Add panel, then the panel will be displayed smaller to save space.
  • The term "Copy" with the tangible assets has been adjusted to "Duplicate."
  • If a BIC is unknown to us, then the BIC is now displayed under the account name instead of "Unknown bank."
  • In case of important messages for all users, a global alert can now be displayed on top of the application.
  • Product images are now also loaded from a CDN to reduce loading times.
February 24, 2023 bc5e909

Grouping the category chart

The distribution of income and expenses among the categories was already visible in the corresponding chart. What has been reworked now are the category groups.

A thinner ring around the existing chart shows how the income and expenses are distributed among the groups. Showing and hiding of categories remains the same. In addition, the percentage distribution is now also displayed in the tooltip.

Push Notifications

If you want to receive notifications directly on your device, this update will make you happy. You can now enable push notifications in the notification settings. You will receive these notifications even if you do not have roublez open.

Improvements & bug fixes

  • The Last transactions panels now show the last seven transactions. At the same time, the cateogories chart has been enlarged a bit.
  • Fixed a few small spelling mistakes. 👀
February 19, 2023 cd82dfc

Improvements & bug fixes

  • A version upgrade of our framework provides slightly better performance.
  • The general settings now include application settings that allow you to customize how roublez behaves.
  • When "Create another transaction" is selected, the date field is focused after a transaction has been created.
  • The search results now also include the amount or balance for transactions and accounts.
  • The file size limit for profile pictures has been increased from 200KB to 1MB.
February 15, 2023 fd0cc7a

Improvements & bug fixes

  • This changelog was added. 🥳
  • An error message in the browser console has been removed.
  • Some image effects on the landing page were adjusted.
  • A conversion error was fixed when calculating the values for the budget chart.
  • The chart for the current month now calculates the averages correctly.
February 13, 2023 30f819d

Current month graph

On the overview page of all accounts, as well as of a single account, you will now find a new chart. With this chart you can compare the development of your expenses or income in the current month with the average of the last three months.

Have you already spent more than usual this month? Check it out right now!

Improvements & bug fixes

  • When creating, editing or deleting entries, all charts are updated immediately.
  • The Last transactions panels now only show one side of a transaction (incoming/outgoing) for transfers.
  • The dropzone for file uploads shows a spinner while the upload is in progress.
  • A tangible asset can now also be edited or deleted directly in the list of assets.
  • The file size limit for any upload has been increased from 200KB to 2MB.

Are you ready for roublez? Start your free trial now!

Manage your first accounts and transactions and all that free of charge. We are looking forward to welcome you!

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